MedPOINT facilitates credentialing verification for all IPA contracted practitioners. This includes initial credentialing and recredentialing which aligns with the NCQA 3-year cycle.
MedPOINT credentialing staff, in conjunction with the quality management staff, provide information to the Credentialing Committee to determine benchmarks for panel acceptance. MedPOINT works with Gemini Diversified Services, a 10-point NCQA accredited Credentialing Verification Organization (CVO) to provide required primary source verifications. The Credentialing Committee is comprised of representation from all contracted IPAs and meets monthly and on an ‘as needed’ basis to review the completed files and make appropriate recommendations to the Boards. MPM also provides continuous monitoring of all expireables and sanctions.
For our FQHC clients, MPM also offers FTCA Credentialing services. FTCA Credentialing is based on a 2-year JACHO cycle. All health centers shall assess the credentials of each licensed or certified health practitioner to determine if they meet health center standards. MPM facilitates this process if requested and contracted to do so by the respective health center.